Heat Transfer Fluids

Our heat transfer oils are designed for pressure-less, closed heat transfer systems.
They provide excellent heat transfer over a wide temperature range.
Perfecto HT 2
Perfect  HT 2 (previously called Transcal LT) is a high quality mineral oil combining low vapour pressure and high levels of thermal stability, specific heat and thermal conductivity with exceptional low temperature fluidity.
810,94 EUR
3,90 EUR per litre
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Perfecto HT 5
Castrol Perfecto HT 5 is based on a solvent-refined, high viscosity index mineral oil specially selected for its high thermal and oxidation stability.
from 76,31 EUR
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Perfecto HTS 0801
Castrol Perfecto HTS 0801 is a clear, off-white, synthetic heat carrier basing on isomere dibenzyltoluene.
2.835,93 EUR
13,63 EUR per litre
plus 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
1 to 3 (from a total of 3)

Nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf – wir beraten Sie gerne

Peter Ogonowski GmbH
Castrol Service Center

61130 Nidderau

Telefon: 06187 9099810
Telefax: 06187 9099811

E-Mail: office@csc-mitte.de
Internet: https://www.csc-mitte.de